mat weave


Ara waaki


Te Mauri, Te Raoi ao Te Tabomoa (Health, Peace, and Prosperity) is what Society Members aspire to achieve.


To achieve the highest level of well-being and connectedness of I-Kiribati individuals and their communities through good governance, positive parenting, strong Kiribati language and culture, and education.


KFA has a board consisting of 13 members/volunteers of whom 6 are the executive and 7 are regional representatives of Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Hawkes Bay, Wellington and the South Island. KFA became an incorporated society in June 2018 with the overarching aim of enhancing the well-being of Kiribati families and communities in New Zealand. This was a significant milestone in the lives of I-Kiribati living in Aotearoa New Zealand, which marked the completion of extensive and consultative work by Kiribati leaders from across the country in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development since 2015.